Fengshui and Bazi Analysis
Fengshui and Bazi Analysis
If you find yourself grappling with questions like: •Am I suited for entrepreneurship or should i continue working for others? Why does my money seem to keep slipping away hindering my savings? "ls it the right time to switch jobs as I contemplate a change? •Despite years in my industry, I'm still searching for my true passion. •'m seeking a business partner, but uncertain if they're the right fit. •l'm single and earnestly seeking a meaningful relationship. •Where can I find a mentor? •What Elements am i suitable?
You' ve come to the right place. Personally, l've faced and overcome numerous life challenges much like yours. Over 3 years immersed in Chinese Metaphysical Science has unveiled the underlying reasons behind the circumstances I've encountered. Through extensive consulting and numerous case studies, I've learned that life is not predestined; it's about self-realization. By making subtle adjustments to align with the right actions and skills, you may discover your passion, and your life can be propelled by purpose
We'll come up with a detailed monthly forecast with your BAZI analysis in this report to further help you navigate through life's obstacles and avoid mistakes.
We'll also add on fengshui services and crystals along with ancient fengshui products to change your luck